ProxiO Low DNA Ladder


SKU: KS-68905 Category:


HSN Code : 38220090
IMDG Identification : Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)
Storage : -20 °C (Blue/Dry Ice)


Size range:25 to 700bp

The Low DNA Ladder is ideal for determining the size of double-stranded DNA from 25 to 700 base pairs.

The ladder consists of 10 linear double-stranded fragments .The 100bp and 300bp fragments are present at increased intensity to allow easy identification. All fragments are precisely quantified and mixed during the production.

For 5 _l loading, all fragments except 100bp and 200bp are 40ng. The 100bp and 300bp fragment is 100ng. This ladder is pre-mixed with loading dye and is ready to use.

The pack is accompanied by a vial of 6X Orange loading dye.

Additional information


50 ?g, 5 x50 ?g