CAS No. 541-15-1
HSN Code : 29349900
IMDG Identification : Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)
Molecular Formula : C7H15NO3
Molecular Weight : 161.20
Storage : 8 to 25°C (Cool & dry area)
Shelf Life : 60 Months
Appearance (Colour) | White |
Appearance (Form) | Crystalline compound |
Solubility (Turbidity) 10% aq. solution | Clear |
Solubility (Colour) 10% aq. solution | Colourless |
Assay | min. 99% |
Loss on drying | max. 0.1% |
Specific rotation [?] | -30? to -32? _____[C =2, H20] |
Iron (Fe) | max. 0.0005% |
Copper (Cu) | max. 0.0005% |